
Client: Internal

Explanation of Work

After conducting a survey of DTC marketers, I created a guide to display our findings and how Measured could help with many of the pain points marketers experience. I then created landing pages and social ads to drive traffic from LinkedIn.


The State of DTC Marketing Survey

A survey was conducted in partnership with Sequent Partners to understand the pain points of DTC Marketers within various capacities and roles. We then took the findings and created an industry report to show DTC Marketers the important trends and data we found broken out by topics such as:

  • Spend & Strategy

  • Reporting, Insights & Data

  • Experimentation


Social Ads (LinkedIn)

Social ads were created to drive engagement to the landing page of the guide, and later there was a webinar featuring clients elaborating on our findings and how they related.

State of DTC Marketing & Webinar Landing Pages

Finally, landing pages were designed and launched to gain leads as well as distribute content: one for the actual guide and another for the webinar. The webinar had 2 landing pages (one for registration and another with the actual video) whose templates are shown further down the page.



Clay Cohen - Director of Product Marketing

Jen Cadmus - Director of Marketing Communications

Sequent Partners - Data & Analytics